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Donald L. Lessne, who has been in publishing for thirty-seven years and is the publisher of Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc., has spent the past twenty-two years attending international book fairs in they United States, Frankfurt, London, and Jerusalem in order to establish the contacts needed to develop rights sales. As an added dimension, selling the actual books written in English internationally has been developed simultaneously with rights sales. Titles are sold not only domestically, but all over the world in the English speaking countries of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and in English book stores all over Europe and Asia. A new twist has been added from publishers who publish books in their native language and also in English, who want representation in the United States and other foreign countries for rights and book sales.
When selecting titles to publish, consider the global possibilities to stretch sales internationally and determine if the title travels to other cultures. There is a good chance your title will sell foreign rights and be distributed in foreign countries if you get it into the right hands. Rights & Distribution, Inc., the only agency that sells rights and distributes books, was formed to meet that need, representing and selling titles to well-known and established agents and distributors in the United States; Europe; Asia; North-Central-South America; Australia and New Zealand as well as South Africa and the Middle East. Thirteen United States publishers are represented by Rights & Distribution, Inc. with genres such as self-help, how-to, business, inspiration, health, hobbies, technology, cookbooks and fiction.
Rights & Distribution, Inc. provides information sheets and meets with agents and distributors twice a year to negotiate book deals and obtain orders; so you can receive payment for the sale of foreign titles and have the satisfaction that if you walk into Brentano’s in Paris next summer, you might see your title sitting on the shelf.
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English (الإنجليزية)