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Name of Publishing House | Vittorio Klostermann |
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The publishing house Vittorio Klostermann is a science publisher, focused on the fields of philosophy, literature and linguistics, legal science, and book and librarianship.
Personal preferences and coincidences determine not only the career of people, but also of companies. My father, Vittorio Klostermann, born in 1901, had heard of Max Scheler in Cologne and Joseph A. Schumpeter in Bonn, and wanted to become a banker – like his school friend Hermann Josef Abs. However, since he did not find an apprenticeship in the banking sector, my grandfather, Eckard Klostermann, took him to the book trade firm Friedrich Cohen, which he directed to Bonn, and gave him the task of publishing management in 1928. Max Scheler, Walter F. Otto and Karl Mannheim, he was able to win for the publishing program at Cohen. In the two years of his work there he made the acquaintance of numerous other authors, who accompanied his later life. Because of the difficult economic situation, In which the company was hit by the global economic crisis, publishing activities had to be stopped at Cohen. Vittorio Klostermann changed to Frankfurt and founded his own publishing house under his name in 1930: Hanns W. Eppelsheimer, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Max Kommerell, Paul Ludwig Landsberg, Walter F. Otto, Karl Reinhardt, Kurt Riezler and Benno von Wiese The first hour – and the publishing program already outlined in its basic principles.
Even though in the 1950s, Ernst Jünger was the author, and his brother, the poet Friedrich Georg Jünger, the publishing house was primarily scientific publishing house, and today it is exclusively. More than 3,000 books have been published since the foundation, about 1,600 titles are available today, not a few have achieved several editions. On average, about 50 new releases and new editions have appeared in recent years, along with eight journals and yearly books. Since the year 2007 can be acquired for all magazines of the publishing campus licensing, since 2012 also for many monographs.
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