An Irregular Life

Book Title An Irregular Life
Author Name Mark F. McPherson
Country – city usa
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 422

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“And now comes a man who thinks like, looks like, talks like
and is as close to the real Conan Doyle as possible. He is Mark McPherson.”
— John Bennett Shaw
He has inhabited the legend
But on his own account, since childhood Mark McPherson’s interest in the worlds of Arthur Conan Doyle and his Great Detective have become a “real”-ized dimension of his life. A professed student of the mysterious and arcane who turned his love toward investigation, he would eventually create the DAEDALOS Investigative Agency and address a host of the world’s greatest literary, historical, paranormal, and criminal enigmas.
Called “a real life Sherlock Holmes” and “Michigan’s Indiana Jones,” McPherson’s explorations have involved the hunt for the Loch Ness Monster, the probing of sacred sites of Egypt’s Giza Plateau and a methodical pursuit of the Shakespeare Authorship Mystery. He has also examined the enigma of the Shroud of Turin, conducted The Final Houdini Séance and sponsored an underwater hunt for Atlantis and numerous archaeological expeditions in Britain in quest of the mytho-historical Arthurian legends.
Reflecting his enduring interest in the subject of Sherlock Holmes, Mark McPherson sought and found the Dartmoor location of the “true Baskerville Hall” in conjunction with the Sherlock Holmes Society of London and in 1979 consulted with Scotland Yard in the unparalleled manhunt for the “Yorkshire Ripper.” He was the first to present a commemorative plaque at the legendary site of “221B, Baker Street” in London in 1978. Nine years later he would confer with his friends Dame Jean Conan Doyle and Richard Lancelyn Green to create a dramatic “Evening With Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,” followed by a decade-long series of critically acclaimed performances throughout America, Britain and Canada.
As a popular lecturer, journalist, author, actor, playwright, film-maker and historical detective, Mark McPherson’s personal adventures have garnered him many distinctions, not the least of them being his honorific investiture as “Cecil Barker” for the Baker Street Irregulars. A member of the Amateur Mendicants and Old Soldiers of Baker Street, he was founder of the Napoleons of Crime of Detroit. He has also received numerous accolades from the Arthur Conan Doyle Society and a host of international scion organizations.
Currently residing at “Gray Gables,” a 169-year-old riverfront manse on the island of Grosse Ile, Michigan, Mark McPherson currently shares his reputedly haunted residence with his wife Dori and his ever-faithful “canine Watson,” Bradbury. By his own Profession, An Irregular Life is “the first and last of my memoirs.”

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حياة غير منتظمة

طالب مزعوم غامض حول حبه الى تحقيق، وقال انه في نهاية المطاف خلق وكالة للتحقيقات تتناول مجموعة من أكبر الأعمال الأدبية والتاريخية والخارقة والألغاز الجنائية فى العالم .
تسمى "الحياة الحقيقية لشيرلوك هولمز" و ، إنديانا جونز"، و اكتشافات ماكفرسون في مطاردة وحش بحيرة لوخ نيس، والتحقق من المواقع المقدسة من هضبة الجيزة في مصر والسعي المنهجي لسر تأليفات شكسبير. وقد فحص أيضا لغز كفن تورينو،وقاد نهائي هوديني فى جلسة لتحضير الأرواح ورعا مطاردة تحت الماء لاتلانتيس والعديد من البعثات الأثرية في بريطانيا في السعي لرصد أساطير آرثر.
مما يعكس اهتمامه الشديد بموضوع شيرلوك هولمز، سعى ماكفرسون وعثر على موقع دارتمور فى "قاعة بسكرفيل الحقيقية" بالتعاون مع جمعية شيرلوك هولمز في لندن، وفي عام 1979 تشاور مع سكوتلاند يارد في مطاردة لا مثيل لها لطاعون يوركشير. وكان أول من قدم لوحة تذكارية للموقع الأسطوري 221 ب شارع بيكر فى لندن فى عام 1978. و بعد تسع سنين تشاور مع أصدقائه السيدة جان كونان دويل وريتشارد لانسلين جرين لابتداع عمل درامى" سهرة مع السير آرثر كونان دويل "تلتها سلسلة استمرت عشر سنوات من العروض رغم الانتقادات اللاذعة في جميع أنحاء أمريكا وبريطانيا وكندا.