Hidden Women: A History of Europe, Celts and Freedom

Book Title Hidden Women: A History of Europe, Celts and Freedom
Author Name Jacqueline Widmar Stewart
Publishing house Independently published
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2018
Number of pages 180

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As you enter the world of the Celts, think of the role of women and how that role changed under the influence of Rome and religion. The exquisite artistry associated with pre-Christian women adds an exciting dimension. For hundreds of years, this artistry – as well as women themselves – has been roundly condemned by religious authorities. Please proceed with an open mind.

New evidence of Celts’ stunning technical and communication skills must override long-held stereotypes of barbaric hordes. Now it is known that primordial family bonds reach to present day. Current populations need ancient Celtic stewardship of the land and wise adherence to natural laws, now more than ever.

While acknowledging that age-old notions are not easily swayed, this book challenges society’s ability to rationalize the subjugation of women. Can subjugation of over half the population ever be justified? Will knowledge of forbearers’ constant struggle against subjugation trouble today’s descendants? Does it matter that women continue to be degraded? Discrediting women weakens the core of the family and keeps people subservient; this has been the story of Europe and Britain since the advent of the Current Era. Assault on the family has occurred so pervasively that it seems normal.

The guise of religion works so well that even the lethal feels familiar. The reader is encouraged to independently verify these assertions. Start with the theory that Europe and Britain were the land of Celts and that their progeny probably still live here. Seek the Celtic layer in all of Europe. Find the connections between Celts and their branches: Burgundians, Franks, Galls, Basques, Veneti, Parisii. The Celtic world is there, although it may be hidden at first glance.

A trip to Belgium will find Burgundians if that is the goal; if not the Dukes of Burgundy will remain hidden in references to “occupiers.” Franks abound in Germany where many have remained since they helped Burgundian cousins defeat the Romans and free their fellow Galls. Look for words that contain “Frank” – like “Frankfurt” and “Frankenberg.” Visit Trier and Worms to see what has happened to these two cities that were once so crucial to Rome’s downfall. Think of Slovenia as a Frankish homeland. May Europe’s children reclaim the splendors and equilibrium prized by their ancestors.