The Art of Always Being Right

Book Title The Art of Always Being Right
Author Name  A. C. Grayling (Author), Arthur Schopenhauer (Author)
Publishing house Gibson Square Books Ltd
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2009
Number of pages 204

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The Art of Always Being Right

This book has been translated by Publications of Defaf

In discussions and meetings the aim of everyone is to persuade.

Yet we know that really the best result is obtained by the person who is most skilled in holding his position.

“The Art of Always Being Right” catalogues the 38 subtle tricks businessmen, negotiators, politicians, lawyers use to gain advantage.

It may well be that you are in the right.But once you enter into a debate with someone else being right is not enough-you are entirely on your own.

You need to parry moves designed to throw you. This book will teach you all you need to know.

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The Art of Always Being Right


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