America at War with Itself

Book Title America at War with Itself
Author Name Henry A. Giroux
Publishing house City Lights Publishers
Country – city USA
Date of issue September 6, 2016
Number of pages 320

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America at War with Itself

“Nobody better than Henry Giroux can piece together the history of the present and show the intersecting lines that course through our politics and culture.

Giving us a new and vibrant twist on the current events that capture the headlines, Giroux’s new book America at War With Itself issues a dire warning about what he calls ‘these dark times,’ but at the same time offers a set of actions that run counter, from pedagogical practices to social movements, Black Lives Matter, labor organizing, community building, civic education, historical memory, and cultural work––or, in his own words, ‘insurrectional democracy.’ . . . America at War With Itself is wide-ranging in its analyses of power without ever resorting to shallow cynicism; it is accessible and passionate while still delving meticulously and perceptively into the public concerns that are shaping our political identities of the present.

Giroux continues as a visionary.”––Robin Goodman

East Village Magazine

“In his penetrating new book, Henry A. Giroux devotes an early chapter to the Flint water crisis, asserting that it epitomizes a menacing ‘new authoritarianism’ and contends that what happened here was ‘an act of state sponsored violence.’ . . . From American foreign policy to the militarization of American police forces to the economies of the gun industry and culture, he demonstrates that as the acceleration of the move from a welfare state to a warfare state grows, ‘violence and the impunity of authorities become normalized.’ . . . For this Flint resident and victim of state-sanctioned violence, the most visceral aspect of Giroux’s book is the case he makes that what happened here is an act of domestic terrorism. Incendiary language for some, but difficult to beat down.”––Robert Thomas

“Giroux . . . sounds a wake-up call about growing threats to democracy. He observes that cutthroat capitalism nurtures intolerant viewpoints that muzzle opposition and label swaths of society as undesirable outsiders. Popular media and hyperconsumerism emphasize celebrity culture and material distractions over civic engagement, creating social passivity.

Education focuses on technical skills and multiple-choice tests, rather than helping students see how knowledge can lead to an effective life.

Time and money are being shaped by nonstop markets and a get-rich mania, not by long-term investment in the public good.

Giroux prescribes ways to teach critical thinking . . . his argument for active citizenship is important and stimulating.”––Dane Carr

Spirituality & Practice
“This cogent and hard-hitting book puts on display the many factors that are eating away at democracy in the United States as the public embraces a new brand of toxic authoritarianism. . . . The snappiest section in America at War with Itself contains a detailed and thought-provoking profile of Donald Trump and his vision of America animated by guns, walls, surveillance, prisons, media, wars, racism, and xenophobia. . . . Whether he is pondering the racism of police in Ferguson or the pursuit of revenge by ISIS, the author always brings us home to what this all means for us today. In this regard, he concludes: ‘Violence has become America’s national sport and its chief mode of entertainment.'”––Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

America at War with Itself

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أمريكا في حرب مع نفسها

في كتابه أمريكا فى حرب مع نفسها يقدم جيروكس تحذير مما اسماه "هذه الأوقات المظلمة" ولكنه في نفس الوقت قدم مجموعة من الإجراءات التي تتعارض مع بعضها، من الممارسات التربوية للحركات الاجتماعية، معيشة السود تنظيم العمل، بناء المجتمع، التربية المدنية، الذاكرة التاريخية، والعمل الثقافي – أو، في كلماته، "الديمقراطية التمردية.
كرث جيروكس فصلاً كاملاً عن أزمة المياه في مدينة فلينت الصناعية مؤكداً أن ذلك يجسد تهديد من "السلطوية الجديدة"، ويؤكد أن ما حدث هنا كان عملاً من أعمال العنف التي ترعاها الدولة. وتنقل جيروكس من الكتابة عن السياسة الخارجية الأمريكية إلى عسكرة الشرطة الأمريكية إلى اقتصاديات صناعة السلاح إلى الثقافة، وأضاف انه مع تسارع وتيرة الانتقال من دولة الرفاهية إلى دولة رفاهية بمعنى آخر نمى فيها العنف والإفلات من العقاب وحصانة السلطات.
وكتب جيروكس عن تزايد التهديدات للديمقراطية ووصف الرأسمالية بسفاح يتغذي على معارضيه وعلى من يختلفون معه يجعلهم في المجتمع كغرباء غير مرغوب فيهم، ولذلك تغلبت ثقافة المشاهير والانحرافات المادية على المشاركة المدنية ووسائل الإعلام الشعبية مما أدى إلى خلق السلبية الاجتماعية، وأضاف أن التعليم لابد أن يركز على مهارات التقنية واختبارات الاختيار من متعدد وان نعلم الطلاب كيف يمكن للمعرفة أن تؤدى حياة فعالة.