Jihad in the West: The Rise of Militant Salafism

Book Title Jihad in the West: The Rise of Militant Salafism
Author Name Frazer Egerton
Publishing house Cambridge University Press
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2011
Number of pages 228 

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Militant Salafism is one of the most significant movements in politics today. Unfortunately its significance has not been matched by understanding. To begin to address this knowledge deficit this book argues that, rather than the largely unhelpful pursuit of individual ‘root causes’ offered in much of the literature, we would be better served by looking at the factors that have enabled and facilitated a particular political imagery. That political imagery is one that allows individuals to conceive of themselves as integral members of a global battle waged between the forces of Islam and the West, something that lies at the heart of militant Salafism. Frazer Egerton shows how the ubiquity of modern media and the prevalence of movement have allowed for a transformation of existing beliefs into an ideology supportive of militant Salafism against the West amongst Western Muslims.

  • Explains why movement and media are crucial to the rise of Al Qaeda-influenced groups
  • Utilises the theoretical insights of leading social theorists – such as Giddens, Harvey and Appadurai
  • Critiques and suggests alternatives to many existing approaches in terrorism studies

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