Judgment of Murder

Book Title Judgment of Murder
Author Name C.S. Challinor
Publishing house llewellyn
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 216

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Judgment of Murder

It’s a dark day for Scottish barrister Rex Graves when he learns that Lord Gordon Murgatroyd has passed away.

Referred to as “Judge Murder” by Rex’s colleagues, the famously severe judge supposedly died of natural causes—but his daughter Phoebe thinks otherwise.

Wanting to honor the man who’d always been uncharacteristically kind to him, Rex thinks it would be a good idea to follow up on Phoebe’s suspicions . . . until a meeting with his first suspect.

With a target on his back and a child abduction case gripping the region, Rex fears that the judge’s death won’t be an isolated incident.

Judgment of Murder

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