The Conquest of Death: Violence and the Birth of the Modern

Book Title The Conquest of Death
Author Name Matthew Lockwood
Publishing house Yale University Press
Country – city USA
Date of issue June 27, 2017
Number of pages 416

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The Conquest of Death: Violence and the Birth of the Modern

A fresh and fascinating history of crime and violence in England through the office of the coroner

In his fascinating debut, Matthew Lockwood explores the history of crime, homicide, and suicide in England over four centuries through the office of the coroner.

While the office was established to investigate violent or suspicious deaths, Lockwood asserts that the demands of competing parties gradually shaped its systems and transformed England into a modern state earlier than is commonly acknowledged.

Weaving together strands of social, legal, economic, and political history, this book will interest scholars across a range of fields.

The Conquest of Death: Violence and the Birth of the Modern

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