Water: The Causes, Costs, and Future of a Global Crisis

Book Title Water: The Causes, Costs, and Future of a Global Crisis
Author Name Julian Caldecott
Publishing house Virgin Books; Reprint edition
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2008
Number of pages 256 

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All known forms of life depend on water. Covering 71 percent of the Earth’s surface, water seems to be plentiful. But there are 1.2 billion people who currently live without a safe water supply. The amount of available drinking water is shrinking, and the need for it is increasing relentlessly.

While some regions are receiving too much rain, others are receiving too little. We are approaching a global water emergency. Examining the vital role this fascinating substance plays on the planet, this analysis explores the historical, scientific, political, and economic reasons behind the looming water crisis.

 It reveals where the water humans use comes from, and at what social and environmental cost. This is an intriguing and sometimes unsettling portrait of the future of water in this changing world and what people can do to make a difference.