Name of Publishing House | American Mathematical Society |
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About the American Mathematical Society
To further the interests of mathematical research, scholarship and education, serving the national and international community through publications, meetings, advocacy and other programs.
The goals of the AMS are as follows:
- Promote mathematical research, its communication and uses
- Encourage and promote the transmission of mathematical understanding and skills
- Support mathematical education at all levels
- Advance the status of the profession of mathematics, encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals
- Foster an awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life
The AMS headquarters (main entrance pictured here) is in Providence, Rhode Island. The office in Ann Arbor, Michigan, produces Mathematical Reviews®, published online as MathSciNet, and the office in Washington, DC connects the mathematical community with the broader scientific community and with decision makers who determine science funding.
The Society’s programs and services for its members and the global mathematical community include professional programs; publications; meetings and conferences; support for young scholars programs; tools such as MRef for researchers and authors; and a Public Awareness Office that provides resources to members, students, teachers, the media, and the general public.
Facts & Figures
Founded: 1888
Incorporated: 1923
Locations: Providence and Pawtucket, RI; Ann Arbor, MI; and Washington, DC
Membership: Over 28,000 individuals and 560 institutional members around the world.
Organization: Officers, Council, Executive Committee of the Council, Board of Trustees, Committees and Executive Director.
Employees: 210 in RI MI, and DC
Divisions: Executive Director, Finance & Administration, Computer Services, Publishing, Editorial, Meetings & Professional Services, Government Relations & Programs, Mathematical Reviews®
Financing: Publication sales, dues, contributions, endowments, investments, government grants, and service contracts. The annual Treasurer’s Report is included in Notices of the AMS and the Annual Reports.
Budget: US$31.4 million.
Meetings: AMS National, sectional, and international, and AMS presence at other mathematics, scientific and publishing meetings.
- Journals (Notices of the AMS, Bulletin of the AMS, 7 research journals, 4 translation journals, 2 open access journals; approximately 1,100 articles published annually)
- Books (approximately 80 new books published annually; over 3,700 titles in print; monographs and proceedings in 27 active series and others not in series; eBook collections and subscription)
- Mathematical Reviews, founded in 1940 (3.3 million items in the MR database online as MathSciNet; approximately 125,000 items added each year; over 1,800 journals covered; links to over 2.1 million original articles; 829,000 authors indexed; over 20,200 active reviewers)
AMS and social media: The AMS has a presence on the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and iTunes; hosts AMS Blogs; and invites individuals to use RSS feeds. Learn more.
AMS Partnerships for Mathematics and Science: The AMS partners with coalitions of organizations that support science, advocate for research funding, promote awareness of mathematics and serve the mathematics profession.
See more detailed information in Annual Reports of the AMS and in online books about AMS history.