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Cork University Press
While the Press specializes in the broad field of Irish Cultural Studies, its subject range extends across the fields of music, art history, literary criticism and poetry. The focus of our list is however in the areas of Irish cultural history, archaeology and landscape studies. A number of our titles are viewed by critics as ground-breaking in their contribution to the field, namely the Atlas of the Great Irish Famine, Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape, The Companion to Irish Traditional Music, the Critical Conditions series, and most notably Volumes IV and V of the Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing: Irish Women’s Writing and Traditions. The Press publishes approximately 15 books a year and one journal, The Irish Review. All our titles are rigorously peer-reviewed and edited. (The peer-review process is described in more detail on the Information for Authors page of this site.) We have three employees. Contact names and e-mails can be found on the contacts page
Visit the Cork University Press Blog
Cork University Press is a member of the Irish Publishers Association, Cle, and is an affiliate member of the American Association for University Presses
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