The Idea Machine

Book Title The Idea Machine
Author Name Nadja Schnetzler
Publishing house Wiley-VCH
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2005
Number of pages 210

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Can ideas be produced industrially? In the same way as shoes or chocolate? Or does it require flashes of inspiration from brilliant creative thinkers?

No, claims Nadja Schnetzler. In her Swiss company BrainStore, ideas are produced in the same way as products: to order and on a conveyor belt. How is it made possible? – very simply: with the BrainStore ideas machine, an innovation model which functions on engineering principles. The author explains how ideas can be produced systematically and efficiently using this model. Numerous case studies from all over Europe and many anecdotes show the reader how he can successfully use the idea factory’s tools in his own company.

The book shows that anyone can develop good ideas – you just need to know the right methods and put together the right team

Nadja Schnetzler explains in an entertaining way how ideas can be produced systematically and efficiently with the help of the BrainStore idea machine. The numerous case studies ensure that author lives up to her claim of practicability and countless anecdotes make for easy reading”

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