Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Sources

Book Title Ancient Rome
Author Name Christopher Francese and R. Scott Smith
Publishing house Hackett Publishing Company
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2014
Number of pages 600

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Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Sources

allows students to hear the voices of actual women from the ancient world.

The translations themselves are fluid; the inclusion of long extracts allows students to sink their teeth into material in ways not possible with traditional source books.

The anonymous texts, inscriptions, and other non-literary material topically arranged in the ‘Documentary’ section will enable students to see how the documentary evidence supplements or undermines the views advanced in the literary texts.

This is a book that should be of great use to anyone teaching a survey of the history of Ancient Rome or a Roman Civilization course.

I look forward to teaching with this book which is, I think, the best source book I have seen for the way we teach these days.” –David Potter, University of Michigan “A useful cross-section of the literary and documentary evidence for ancient Roman history and society.

An important new tool for teachers and students.” –G. J. Oliver, Department of Classics, Brown University

Eager to be immersed in the richness, diversity, and raw energy of how ancient Romans lived and thought? This most readable anthology is a revealing, seductive page-turner, hard to put down once opened. –Richard J. Talbert, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
An Impressive and well-chosen selection of key sources for the study of ancient Rome, rendered into lively and engaging English.

Together they offer a panorama of republican and imperial life and letters. Highly recommended. –Nathan Rosenstein, The Ohio State University

Ancient Rome: An Anthology of Sources

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روما القديمة

كتاب يحكى عن روما القديمة وعن الحضارة الرومانية، شاملا المجتمع الرومانى قديما، وهو هام جدا للمدرسين والطلاب الذين يدرسون التاريخ الرومانى القديم، ويبغون معرفة كيف كان يعيش قدماء الرومان وكيف كانوا يفكرون. وهو دراسة قيمة عن المجتمع الرومانى القديم.