Beyond Positive Thinking

Book Title Beyond Positive Thinking
Author Name Dr. Robert Anthony
Publishing house Morgan James
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2005
Number of pages 196

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Beyond Positive Thinking

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A common-sense approach to achieving success in one’s life.

Offers workable, step-by-step methods and positive visualization techniques to help readers personalize goals, trust creativity, transcend old beliefs and limitations, and transform positive thinking into positive action. Originally published in 1988 by Berkley Publishing under the title of “The Advanced Formula For Total Success.

” For 13 years, it continued to sell under that title. In 2002, Berkley Publishing discontinued publishing “The Advanced Formula For Total Success.

” As soon as it went out of print, it became a collector’s item with copies selling for up to $100 per copy on the used books marketplace.

In 2003, Dr. Anthony decided to update the book and republish it under the original name of “Beyond Positive Thinking” with an introduction by Joe Vitale.

Beyond Positive Thinking

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