Dawn of Conscience

Book Title Dawn of Conscience
Author Name James Henry Breasted
Publishing house Charles Scribner’s Sons
Country – city USA
Date of issue 1976
Number of pages 431

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Dawn of Conscience

This book has been translated by the Egyptian General Book Association

Man became the first implement-making creature not later than the beginning of the Ice Age, probably a million years ago, and possible earlier.

At the same time he also became the first weapon-making creature. for perhaps a million years therefore he has been improving those weapons; but it is less than five thousand years since men began to feel the power of conscience to such a degree that it became a social force. Physical force, reinforced by triumphant science during the last three centuries, wielding ever more cunningly devised weapons, has been operating for something like a million years; higher and more elusive inner capacities arising from social experience have been socially at work for only about five thousand years.

The Age of Weapons is thus doubtless a million years old; while the Age of Character made it’s slow and gradual beginning between four and five thousand years ago.

Ii is time that the modern world should catch something of the profound significance of this fundamental fact; it is time that it should become a part of modern education.

It is therefore the purpose of this book to set forth the historical facts and to present the leading ancient records from which they are drawn, showing that we are still standing in the gray dawn of the Age of Character – facts that are a fair basis for dreams of a noonday, still very far away to be sure, but nevertheless yet to follow upon that dawn.

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Dawn of Conscience

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