Die lihyanischen Inschriften
Die lihyanischen Inschriften: The book is based on 250 images of 128 Lihyan texts from an expedition to Al-‘Udayb in Saudi Arabia (1968). This is larger by 96 inscriptions and added 32 graffiti, which has published 63rd For all are rock inscriptions on two blocks at the entrance and the walls of the gorge of Al-‘Udayb, only two are on steles of unknown origin.
While earlier interpretations emanating from the religious content of the texts, has been recognized now bewässerungstechnischer context. The inscriptions consist of an introduction with founder information, text, and invocation. These 250 people names occur.
The irrigation canals are cleared covered and repaired and supply of agricultural land owned by the authors. The referral comes in nine versions, and is the chief god of dGbt. In five cases, according to the Ptolemaic (?) Models, at a dating formula extended with a year of reign, so far without a relative or absolute dating was possible.
In addition, an extension of the grammar was given about aspects of morphology and syntax. The volume is based on 250 photographs of 128 Lihyanian texts taken by an expedition to Al-‘Udayb in Saudi Arabia in 1968. There are 96 major and 32 inscriptions, plus another 63 graffiti inscriptions published before.
All of them are rock inscriptions on two large blocks at the entrance to the gorge of Al-‘Udayb and on the walls of the gorge, only two are written on Stelai of unknown origin. While older interpretations explained the inscriptions as ritual texts, it was now demonstrated that they refer to irrigation measures.
The inscriptions consist of an introduction naming the donator, the text and an invocation formula. There are some 250 names of persons attested. The irrigation channels get cleaned, covered, and repaired, and lead towards agricultural areas owned by the authors.
The invocation occurs in nine variants, and is dedicated to the main god of dGbt. In five cases it is enlarged by a dating formula counting the years by certain anniversaries of regents, possibly after Ptolemaic (?) Examples. Nevertheless, neither a relative nor an absolute dating is possible at present. However, the grammar can be enriched by aspects of morphology and syntax.