God is in the House

Book Title God is in the House
Author Name Virginia Foxx
Publishing house Shadow Mountain Publishing
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 192

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God is in the House

”An inspiring look at faith and politics. A worthy read.” — John Boehner Former Speaker of the House of Representatives

”North Carolina’s fifth congressional district is represented by Foxx, a self-identified Catholic-Baptist and Republican, who wants to restore Americans’ faith in the churchgoing members of Congress.

By collecting short faith testimonies by current and former congressional representatives, Democrats and Republicans, men and women, from across Christian denominations, Foxx pulls back the curtain on Capitol Hill Bible studies and prayer groups, revealing a surprising bipartisan unity when it comes to nurturing one’s faith life in the midst of often corrosive politics.

Catholics, Protestants, evangelicals, and others candidly discuss their religious backgrounds, daily practices, the establishment clause of the First Amendment, and public service as an act of faith.” –Publishers Weekly

About the Author

Virginia Foxx is the U.S. Representative for North Carolina’s 5th congressional district. She is a Republican and was elected Secretary of the House Republican Conference in 2012.

God is in the House

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