Improving Mental Health

Book Title Improving Mental Health
Author Name Lloyd I Sederer M.D
Publishing house Amer Psychiatric Pub
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 160

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Improving Mental Health

Sederer’s thoughtful and provocative book could not be timelier.

It arises out of a seemingly confusing moment in mental health and poses an immense creative challenge: to draw out the rules, or laws, that govern the psyche as it adapts to an ever-changing world.

His laws or secrets often counterintuitive, yet full of clinical utility illuminate his profound understanding of patients and their particular predicaments.

Theres a powerful thread of wisdom that runs through Sederer’s writing like a bright red line, reminding us that by identifying the driving tenets of clinical care, we refresh and deepen our engagement with it in the future.

I read this book in a single setting, and felt so much wiser at the end. –Siddhartha Mukherjee, Pulitzer Prize winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies and The Gene
This is an intelligent, balanced, and very useful guide to becoming a knowledgeable and confident actor in pursuing your mental health.

It will also help you to approach mental health professionals as an equal partner. –Andrew Solomon, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Columbia University, and author of Far From the Tree and The Noonday Demon , winner of the National Book Award
This book is a must read for those who experience or have a family member with a psychiatric condition.

Dr. Sederer gives moving descriptions of patients and their suffering and sage advice about interventions.

His deep experience in working with those afflicted with mental illness comes ringing through, page after page.

–Maria Oquendo, M.D., Ph.D., President, American Psychiatric Association, and Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical Center.

Improving Mental Health

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