Introduction to Global Logistics Delivering the Goods

Book Title Introduction to Global Logistics
Delivering the Goods
Author Name John Manners-Bell
Publishing house Kogan Page
Country – city UK
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 384

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Introduction to Global Logistics Delivering the Goods

Introduction to Global Logistics offers a step-by-step guide to global logistics.

Covering the breadth of logistics, this highly accessible text covers everything you need to know and is illustrated by engaging case studies of market leaders.

In this comprehensive second instalment of Global Logistics Strategies, John Manners-Bell provides an in-depth definition, description and exploration of the strategic principles and practices in transportation modes and supply chain verticals, including: freight forwarding, contract logistics, shipping, road freight, air cargo and express.

The book also examines major sectors, including Automotive, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Retail, Consumer, and High Tech.

Introduction to Global Logistics offers a detailed examination of key topics, including: how the logistics industry has developed, how it is influenced by macro-economic factors and demand-side trends, what the risks are to the industry, and how it will develop over the coming years.

It examines important trends and developments that are shaping the industry, including 3D printing, megacities, and post-harvest food losses.

Introduction to Global Logistics Delivering the Goods

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