Jewish History, Jewish Religion, the Weight of 3000 Years

عنوان الكتاب Jewish History, Jewish Religion, the Weight of 3000 Years
المؤلف Israel Shahak
الناشر  Pluto Press
البلد United Kingdom
تاريخ النشر 1994
عدد الصفحات 127

أشتري الكتاب حقوق الترجمة


Jewish History, Jewish Religion , the Weight of 3000 Years

This book has been translated by Bisan Publishing House

The author was born in a Warsaw ghetto and was a survivor of Belsen.

He arrived in Israel in 1945. Brought up under Jewish Orthodoxy abd Hebrew culture, he has consistently opposed the expansion of the borders of Israel from 1967.

In this book, Shahak argues that the potential for the right wing Jewish religious movements within Israel to seize power represents a serious threat to the peace of both the state of Israel and the Zionist movement and of the whole of the Middle East.

Written from a humanitarian viewpoint by a Jewish scholar, this is a highly controversial criticism of Israel.

Jewish History, Jewish Religion , the Weight of 3000 Years

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