Mega Memory

Book Title Mega Memory
Author Name Gregor Staub
Publishing house Mvg Verlag
Country – city Germany
Date of issue 2003
Number of pages 200

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Mega Memory

This book has been translated by Dar Al Obeikan for Publishing and Distribution

Kevin Trudeau, the world’s foremost authority on memory improvement training believes that there are no bad memories, only untrained memories.

In order to release natural photographic memories, listeners just need to learn to retrieve what is already known.

As founder of the American Memory Institute, Kevin Trudeau has already helped more than one million people to do just that.

Rather than working through laborious word-association techniques of other memory systems, Trudeau focuses on the activation of inborn photographic memory.

This system ensures instant recall and long-term Mega Memory.

With the desire, you can unleash your Mega Memory and reap incredible rewards.
Trudeau’s techniques will show you how to organize information in your mind for instant recall — and help you perform more efficiently and profitably in everything you do. Imagine:
Giving presentations involving hundreds of facts, figures and prices without looking at


Remembering the precise details of a meeting you attended

Memorizing strings of data effortlessly

Remembering each and every person you meet

Mega Memory

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