Muslim Brotherhood: The Threat In Our Backyard

Book Title Muslim Brotherhood
Author Name Cathy Hinners
Publishing house CreateSpace Independent
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 110

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America is in trouble. For years, a quiet enemy has been sowing its seeds, and now they are in full bloom. Literally in our backyard, this book names individuals,organizations and the terrorist groups they are associated with. Learn how and why the infiltration and indoctrination is occurring and read the Muslim Brotherhoods own plan for America, which was presented as evidence in a federal trial known as the Holy Land Foundation Trial. This is not just another book on terrorism, but rather a compilation of their own words from their own documents and social media. Do you know who is in your own backyard?


Cathy Hinners is a decorated, retired police officer from the Albany N.Y Police Dept. Upon her retirement, she developed and instructed a 3-day class for law enforcement titled Middle Eastern: Crime, Culture and Community, based on the knowledge she acquired while working in an emerging Middle Eastern/Muslim area. 
Cathy also worked as a sub-contract instructor for the U.S Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Domestic Preparedness, where she delivered mobile training to members of the New York Police Department, the National Guard, and various other law enforcement agencies. A segment of the class Cathy instructed was on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and bomb recognition.
In an on-going effort to learn and be effective in her training, Cathy completed several U.S Department of Homeland Security courses in areas such as explosives at New Mexico Tech, Threat and Vulnerability Assessments at West Point Military Academy, and Technical Emergency Response Training for CBRNE Incidents at the Center for Domestic Preparedness in Anniston AL.
Several other certifications were also received through courses with the New York State Department of Homeland Security, such as Domestic Terrorist incidents, the Incident Command System (all levels) and Active Shooter Response. 

Upon her retirement and move to Tennessee, Cathy became active in investigating and exposing the Muslim Brotherhood organizations and individuals within Tennessee, and in America. Cathy now travels throughout the states speaking on the incursion of terrorist organizations infiltrating as well as the threats in your own backyard. 

In June of 2015, the Southern Poverty Law Center named Cathy one of the 12 most “hard-lined, anti- Muslim” women in America along with Laura Ingraham, Anne Coulter, Bridgette Gabriel and Clare Lopez.

Cathy is the founder of, where she exposes issues pertaining to Islam. Dailyrollcall is also a group of retired law enforcement and military personnel that actively investigate and vet tips given by concerned citizens.
Cathy is a regular guest on the Michael Delgiorno Show on Nashville’s Super Talk 99.7 radio, every Monday. Other radio segments done on a regular basis are with Red State Radio’s Scott Adams Show, and the Melody Burns show. 
Articles written by Cathy are now being published on Family Security Matters