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Oral Poetry and Narratives from Central Arabia
Voices from the Desert is the fifth and concluding volume of P. Marcel Kurpershoek’s Corpus Oral Poetry & Narratives from Central Arabia. The first volume appeared in 1994.
In the Preface the author looks back on his almost twenty years of involvement with Arabian oral culture. He also discusses some of the striking features of the traditions collected in these volumes, and their significance within the broader political, social, and cultural context of the tribal system stretching from Yemen to the Anatolian highlands.
An Introduction is followed by a consolidated Glossary, comprising all data accumulated and integrated from the glossaries of the previous four volumes. This elaborate glossary not only refers to the transcribed original texts in Volumes 1-4, but it has also been extended with many examples originating from corresponding Classical Arabic vocabulary, and additional Western sources.
Also included are the three indispensable indices to the complete Corpus: the Index of Subjects, the Index of Tribal Names and the Index of Proper Names. A List of Recordings completes this volume.
This third volume in the author’s series “Oral Poetry & Narratives from Central Arabia” presents and analyses the work of four contemporary Bedouin poets of the Daw sir tribe in southern Najd. The introductory part discusses the poetry within the context of the Najdi oral tradition, the poets’ role in tribal society, and their mirroring of this society’s self-image against the background of its rapid economic, social and political transformation, and its relation with the Saudi State.
It is followed by the Arabic Text of the poems in transcription, based on taped records, with the English translation on the facing page. This is complemented by a substantial glossary, cross-referenced to the Arabic Text, other glossaries and works on the Najdi dialect and poetic idiom, as well as corresponding Classical Arabic lexical materials.”
Oral Poetry and Narratives from Central Arabia
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