Secrets of the Face

Book Title Secrets of the Face
Author Name Lailan Young
Publishing house Little Brown
Country – city United States, United Kingdom
Date of issue January 1984
Number of pages 238

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Secrets of the Face

This book has been translated by Dar Galilee Damascus

We identified the writer “for Whelan Young” in this book on “Face Secrets” and provide accurate and complete study of the face of the humanitarian, it is through this study can read the faces of humans Chinese way, dubbed the Chinese way, “Siang Mian,” the only way that provides you with the ability to read the creation anyone Oklahoman, knowing his good fortune or ill fortune, and usher this method studied to identify the body and facial appearance, and match the features, and on this basis, it can in the first phase to identify the outline of temperament and character, and in the second phase examines single parts of the face after another: the forehead , eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, ears, cheeks, chin.

Each of cohabiting with Chinese notes, or live with them, usually stare in the face, and when the Chinese stare at your face, I know they are trying to assess your personality.

Secrets of the Face

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