The Atheist Muslim

Book Title The Atheist Muslim
Author Name Ali A. Rizv
Publishing house St. Martin’s Press
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 256

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The Atheist Muslim

“Rizvi brings nuance to understanding the connections among religion, frustration, and violence for young Muslims….By demanding a space for questioning Islam openly that does not devolve into attacking individual Muslims, the work pushes towards the possibility of a cultural Islam that maintains family and ethnic traditions without requiring belief.” ―Publisher’s Weekly
“Do you worry about Islam in the world today? If so, you must read The Atheist Muslim. Ironically, atheist Muslims like Ali A. Rizvi are the saving grace of Islam. Atheist Muslims, like Ali, give us hope for a pathway in which we, as Muslim reformers, can save Islam from the Muslims burying the religion in a heap of medieval, sexist and intolerant interpretations. The Atheist Muslim offers all of us a vitally important road map for critical thinking about Islam―and, yes, hope.” ―Asra Q. Nomani, cofounder of the Muslim Reform Movement and author of Standing Alone: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam
“Ali Rizvi’s Atheist Muslim is an intelligent, heartfelt, and honest examination of a pressing issue in the world today. A humanistic, ecumenical, and secularized version of Islam will be among the most important movements of the 21st century, and Rizvi’s book is an invaluable guide to the challenges and opportunities in advancing it.” ―Steven Pinker, Johnstone Professor of Psychology, Harvard University, and author of The Better Angels of Our Nature.
“One man’s epic struggle to climb out of the pit of dogmatic religion into the sunshine of enlightenment. And because the religion concerned was Islam, his success story is the more important for our troubled times. In this beautifully written page turner, Ali Rizvi shows us what it is personally like to be trapped in Islam, and we admire him the more for the courage of his escape.” ―Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion
“Ali’s message is one which any of us who want true understanding and coexistence should hear. Separating belief from tradition is the key to us respecting other people and cultures while not ignoring our intellect to do so.” ―Dave Rubin, Host of The Rubin Report.

The Atheist Muslim

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