

The Book of No : 250 Ways to Say It

The book has been translated by Dar Al Saqi

Refusing someone is rarely easy and is often downright uncomfortable.

But constantly giving in creates anxiety, anger, added stress, regret, and feelings of powerlessness.

Bestselling author Dr. Susan Newman helps you break your debilitating “yes” habit with her simple techniques, scenarios, and insights. Tackling family, friends, coworkers, and even pushy salespeople.

The Book of No helps you

  • Recognize when someone is manipulating you into saying “yes”
  • Avoid being socially overcommitted, and put an end to feelings of resentment, anger, and guilt
  • Get more enjoyment out of the time you make for friends and family
  • Establish boundaries and be more focused and effective at work

Begin Flexing Your NO Muscle

Saying “no” is a learned skill and one you’ll quickly master as you work through the basic steps and implement your rights when asked to contribute your talent, your energy, support or merely your presence. Will you help me pack for the move? Will you walk my dog? Can I borrow your car? So often, the simplest requests irritate or eat up precious time.

Here’s a small sampling of ways to preserve the rights that you unwittingly give to others when you say “yes”:

  • Make your feelings and desires known
  • Establish and guard your boundaries
  • Keep your needs in the forefront so saying “no” is possible
  • Turn down those who flatter you into a “yes”
  • Request the details before committing

The Book of No : 250 Ways to Say It

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