The Consolations of Philosophy

Book Title The Consolations of Philosophy
Author Name Alain De Botton
Publishing house Vintage
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2001
Number of pages 272

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Philosophy Consolations 

This book has been translated by Dar Al Tanweer

From the internationally heralded author of How Proust Can Change Your Life comes this remarkable new book that presents the wisdom of some of the greatest thinkers of the ages as advice for our day to day struggles.

Solace for the broken heart can be found in the words of Schopenhauer. The ancient Greek Epicurus has the wisest, and most affordable, solution to cash flow problems. A remedy for impotence lies in Montaigne. Seneca offers advice upon losing a job. And Nietzsche has shrewd counsel for everything from loneliness to illness.

The Consolations of Philosophy is a book as accessibly erudite as it is useful and entertaining.

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