The Naked Ape

Book Title The Naked Ape
Author Name Desmond Morris
Publishing house Delta publishing
Country – city United Kingdom
Date of issue 1999
Number of pages 256

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The Naked Ape

This book has been republished by Dar Al-Hawar

This work has become a benchmark of popular anthropology and psychology.

Zoologist Desmond Morris considers humans as being simply another animal species in this classic book first published in 1967.

Here is the Naked Ape at his most primal in love, at work, at war.

Meet man as he really is: relative to the apes, stripped of his veneer as we see him courting, making love, sleeping, socializing, grooming, playing.

This book takes its place alongside Darwin’s Origin of the Species, presenting man not as a fallen angel, but as a risen ape, remarkable in his resilience, energy and imagination, yet an animal nonetheless, in danger of forgetting his origins.

With its penetrating insights on mans beginnings, sex life, habits and our astonishing bonds to the animal kingdom, The book Ape is a landmark, at once provocative, compelling and timeless.

The Naked Ape

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