The Pen and the Sword

Book Title The Pen and the Sword
Author Name Edward Said
Publishing house Haymarket Books
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2010
Number of pages 180

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The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with Edward Said

“Said is forthright, even blunt, and he demonstrates a thrilling capacity for integrating culture and politics.”—Publishers Weekly

Gathered here are five wide-ranging interviews with the internationally renowned Palestinian scholar and critic Edward Said (1935-2003). In conversation with David Barsamian, director of Alternative Radio, these interviews cover a broad range of topics: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Professor Said’s groundbreaking work of literary scholarship, Orientalism; music; and much more. With an introduction by Eqbal Ahmad, and a new preface from Nubar Hovsepian, this is an indispensable introduction to one of the twentieth century’s foremost critical intellectuals.

About the Author

David Barsamian is the director of Alternative Radio in Boulder, Colorado. He is the author of numerous books, including Targeting Iran and What We Say Goes (with Noam Chomsky).
  • From Publisher’s Weekly: “Through five interviews with the author of Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism, Alternative Radio director Barsamian provides an accessible, engaging introduction to Said’s thoughts on topics from Jane Austen to Jerusalem. Said is forthright, even blunt, and he demonstrates a thrilling capacity for integrating culture and politics-discussing, for example, how Joseph Conrad understood imperialism but was unable to see possibilities for national independence movements.”

    The Pen and the Sword: Conversations with Edward Said