The Politics of Postmodernism

Book Title The Politics of Postmodernism
Author Name Linda Hutcheon
Publishing house Routledge
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2019

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This classic text remains one of the clearest and most incisive introductions to postmodernism. Perhaps more importantly, it is a compelling discussion of why postmodernism matters.

Working through the issue of representation in art forms from fiction to photography, Linda Hutcheon sets out postmodernism’s highly political challenge to the dominant ideologies of the western world.

A new epilogue traces the fate of the postmodern over the last ten years and into the future, responding to claims that it has, once and for all, ‘failed’.

Together with the new epilogue, this edition contains revised notes on further reading and a fully updated bibliography. This revised edition of The Politics of Postmodernism continues its position as essential reading.

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