The Power and the People

Book Title The Power and the People
Author Name Charles Tripp
Publishing house Cambridge University Press
Country – city UK
Date of issue February 25th 2013
Number of pages 420

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The Power and the People

The book has been translated through  Arabe Network for Research and Publishing

This book is about power.

The power wielded over others by absolute monarchs, tyrannical totalitarian regimes and military occupiers – and the power of the people who resist and deny their rulers’ claims to that authority by whatever means.

The extraordinary events in the Middle East in 2011 offered a vivid example of how non-violent demonstration can topple seemingly invincible rulers.

Drawing on these dramatic events and parallel moments in the modern history of the Middle East, from the violent uprisings in Algeria against the French in the early twentieth century, to revolution in Iran in 1979, and the Palestinian intifada, the book considers the ways in which the people have united to unseat their oppressors and fight against the status quo to shape a better future.

The book also probes the relationship between power and forms of resistance and how common experiences of violence and repression create new collective identities.

Nowhere is this more strikingly exemplified than in the art of the Middle East, its posters and graffiti, and its provocative installations which are discussed in the concluding chapter.

This brilliant, yet unsettling book affords a panoramic view of the twentieth and twenty-first century Middle East through occupation, oppression, and political resistance.”

The Power and the People

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