The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

Book Title The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence
Author Name Robert Anthony
Publishing house Berkley
Country – city United Kingdom
Date of issue 2006
Number of pages 208

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The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

This book has been translated by Jarir Bookstore

This is no way to live! Like so many others, you can now enjoy your own personal success story by mastering the principles of total self-confidence.

Here Dr. Robert Anthony reveals the secrets he has taught in seminars and workshops that have changed thousands of lives.

Executive businessmen, star athletes, and celebrities know how total self-confidence can make you soar. And now you can, too.


  • How to tap into your creative imagination—and use it to get what you want
  • How to clear your mind of fear, worry, guilt, and reverse failure
  • The best ways to communicate and the art of small talk
  • The simplest ways to get perspective and set goals
  • The joys and benefits of being different

Let Dr. Anthony guide you on this step-by-step, day-by-day path toward total self-confidence—in your career, family, love life, finances, and mental and physical health—and achieve a brand-new, totally positive and confident outlook.

The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

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