The Unsaid

Book Title The Unsaid
Author Name Aaron Blaylock
Publishing house Cedar Fort
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 208

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The Unsaid

“The Unsaid stands out with it’s unique concept and creative storytelling.

With laugh out loud humor and characters you’d have over for dinner, It makes you reconsider the way you spend your day and the thoughts you let linger.

Blaylock weaves in entertaining dialogue, real life drama and poignant messages that will have you cheering his characters from start to finish.” – Christene Houston, Swoony Award winningauthor of Cookie Girl Christmas

“Unsaid is an amazing story, well written, heart wrenching and beautiful.

Blaylock knows how to suck a reader in and not let them go until well after the last page is turned.” – Alyson Peterson, author of Ian Quicksilver
From the Author

Have you ever wondered what happens to the thoughts in your head that remain unsaid?

What if there were a heavenly bureau responsible for logging and filing away all our unspoken thoughts?

What if one of those heavenly beings chose to involve herself in your life?

The Unsaid is the story of Maggie and Eric but it is also the story of what it is to be human and why we are here and the tremendous impact and potential inside of each of us.

The Unsaid

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