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Wisdom for a Better Life: Practical Principles for Everyday Living
About the Book: Wisdoms for a Better Life is a practical guide for helping people gain new perspectives on every day challenges.
It provides realistic and biblically-supported approaches to acquiring patience, discernment, financial control, abundant living, fighting fear, overcoming addictions, building health boundaries, improving relationships, healing, conflict resolution and much more.
Wisdoms for a Better Life helps the reader feel at peace with their circumstance and discover the purpose and direction for their future.
• Addresses 50 areas of the most commonly experienced life-challenges.
• Provides practical and thought-provoking answers to help readers resolve problems themselves.
• Includes biblical text that supports the books’ challenge-resolution options.
• Featuring book on regular Christian radio show, “Cover Story”.
• Author will feature book on her regularly schedule speaking engagements to large women’s groups and conventions.
• Public relations efforts being made to feature author as guest on television and Christian broadcast medias.
Wisdom for a Better Life is a practical guide for helping people gain new perspectives on every day challenges.
It provides realistic and biblically supported approaches to acquiring patience, discernment, financial control, abundant living, fighting fear, overcoming addictions, building health boundaries, improving relationships, healing, conflict resolution, and much more.
Wisdom for a Better Life helps the reader feel at peace with their circumstance and discover the purpose and direction for their future.
Wisdom for a Better Life: Practical Principles for Everyday Living
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العربية (Arabic)