Young Palestinians Speak

Book Title Young Palestinians Speak
Author Name Anthony Robinson and Annemarie Young
Publishing house Interlink Pub Group
Country – city USA
Date of issue April 3, 2017
Number of pages 118

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Young Palestinians Speak

“Many books have been written about Palestine but few from the perspective of young adults. None have been so bold as to attempt letting young Palestinian adults tell their own story. This book is unique. Though full of facts and useful information, these are presented through the lens and words of young adults who bring to life and speak to people of their age group, those who live entirely different lives and would not otherwise be able to begin to imagine the reality of life under occupation. Different aspects of the occupation are covered in this book helping the reader form a comprehensive picture of the situation that Palestinians under occupation have to endure. Coming in the wake of the 50th anniversary of the brutal Israeli occupation over Palestinian lands, this book will move hearts and minds and will educate a new generation of English readers to the tragedy of Palestine and what Palestinians living under occupation have to endure.”

Young Palestinians Speak

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