Your Killer Emotions: The 7 Steps to Mastering the Toxic Emotions, Urges, and Impulses That Sabotage You

Book Title Your Killer Emotions: The 7 Steps to Mastering the Toxic Emotions, Urges, and Impulses That Sabotage You
Author Name Ken Lindner
Publishing house Greenleaf Book Group Press
Country – city USA
Date of issue January 1st 2013
Number of pages 272

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Your Killer Emotions: The 7 Steps to Mastering the Toxic Emotions, Urges, and Impulses That Sabotage You

This book has been translated by Jarir Bookstore

Have you at one time or another let your feelings of hurt, anger, disappointment, rejection, rage, betrayal, insecurity, or hopelessness cloud your best judgment?

Did you make disappointing, self-sabotaging life choices as a result? If the answer is “Yes, many times,” then this book is for you.

Emotions can kill your ability to accomplish your plans, fulfill your dreams, and attain the life you so dearly desire.

Think of Your Killer Emotions as your emotion-mastery kit, to be used in consistently making positive life choices; it will enable you to beneficially channel the supremely potent energy charges triggered by your potentially sabotaging emotions, impulses, and urges, thereby turning them into your allies.

Ken Lindner, “The Life-Choice Coach,” has counseled thousands of individuals over the past thirty years to make great, life-enhancing decisions.

In Your Killer Emotions, he will show you how to identify your Personal Emotional Triggers (PETS), and empower you to nullify the energy charges from potentially sabotaging emotions. You will be able to think and reason clearly—destructive-emotion-free—so that you make life choices that reflect your most highly-valued life goals.

Your Killer Emotions will change the way you make your life choices—and your life —in the most positive ways!

Ken Lindner owns and operates the country’s premiere news and hosting representation firm, Ken Lindner and Associates, Inc. Among many of the notable individuals whose careers he has helped to develop are Matt Lauer, Lester Holt, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Mario Lopez, Robin Meade, Ann Curry, Tom Bergeron, Shepard Smith, Megyn Kelly, and Nancy O’Dell. One of Lindner’s primary missions is to enable individuals to make well-thought-out, positive life choices.

He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, where his honors thesis was devoted to the science of decision making.

He later graduated from Cornell Law School, where he focused on conflict resolution.

Your Killer Emotions: The 7 Steps to Mastering the Toxic Emotions, Urges, and Impulses That Sabotage You

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