12 Major World Religions

Book Title  12 Major World Religions
Author Name Jason Boyett
Publishing house Zephyros Press
Country – city Australia
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 302

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12 Major World Religions

For billions of people, having a religious belief system provides purpose in life.

For some, religion serves as a guide for moral behavior.

Today’s world is one in which our understanding of world religions is both understatedly important, as well as increasingly complex.

After many years exploring the foundations of various world religions, Jason Boyett has written this comprehensive, easy-to-understand exploration of the twelve major world religions through a meticulous, yet unbiased lens.

This book offers an impartial look at where each of these belief systems intersects, how they differ, and why some have been―or are currently―misunderstood.

12 Major World Religions

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