Evolutionary Psychology : The New Science of the Mind

Book Title Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind
Author Name David Buss
Publishing house Pearson
Country – city USA
Date of issue February 28, 2011
Number of pages 480

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Evolutionary Psychology : The New Science of the Mind

The book has been translated by Arab Cultural Center / Kalima Project

David Buss, one of the foremost researchers in the field, has thoroughly revised his already successful text with nearly 400 new references to provide an even more comprehensive overview of this dynamic field.

Using cutting-edge research and an engaging writing style, the Fourth Edition.

Ths book ensures that your students will master the material presented.

This book examines human psychology and behavior through the lens of modern evolutionary psychology.

The Ne w Science of the Mind, 5/e provides students with the conceptual tools applies them to empirical research on the human mind.

Content topics are logically arrayed, starting with challenges of survival, mating, parenting, and kinship; and then progressing to challenges of group living, including cooperation, aggression, sexual conflict, and status, prestige, and social hierarchies.

Students gain a deep understanding of applying evolutionary psychology to their own lives and all the people they interact with.

Evolutionary Psychology : The New Science of the Mind

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