Are You Ready to Be Lucky?

Book Title Are You Ready to Be Lucky?
Author Name Rosemary Nixon
Publishing house Freehand Books
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2013
Number of pages 232

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Are You Ready to Be Lucky?

“I will tell you nothing about it because sometimes I’m like that. I will, however, tell you this: the chances are good you’ll enjoy this merry romp.” Matilda Magtree, October 6, 2014.
“I thoroughly enjoyed reading Are You Ready to Be Lucky? Nixon’s prose is witty and unflinchingly honest.” Freefall, Spring/Summer 2014.
Interview with “Lit Happens” on Shaw Television, April 2014.
“Lengths we’ll go to for love, money,” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, January 11, 2014.
“In her fourth book, Calgary’s Rosemary Nixon has created not just my most memorable fictional character of 2013, but also the runner-up.” Edmonton Journal, December 19, 2013.
A ShortLitCrit Collective Favourite Short Story Collection of 2013
“Rosemary Nixon’s collection of linked short stories is one of the funniest, most original books I’ve read this year.” Pickle Me This, December 4, 2013.
“Are You Ready to Be Lucky?—note “be,” not “get”—is a wry take-down of the quick-fix, one-size-fits-all prescriptions administered by Dr. Phil and others who yell on TV… Nixon hilariously yet sympathetically allows her characters their absurd and impulsive decisions, at once foolhardy and hopeful. And of course we sympathize; we have all fallen, or will fall prey to the seduction of a quick life-correction at one point or another.” Alberta Views, December 2013.
Book Review: Are You Ready to Be Lucky?, I’ve Read This, November 18, 2013.
Excerpt in the Calgary Herald, October 12, 2013.
“On inspiration, travel, and luck. Rosemary Nixon and her novel Are You Ready to Be Lucky?” Calgary is Awesome, October 2, 2013.
Interview with Trevor Corkum, October 1, 2013.
“Nixon’s prose renders clear-enough-to-break-the-heart pictures of life as we want it to be vs. life as it actually is… The characters of Are You Ready to Be Lucky? fumble hopelessly toward what they think they want. They get hurt, and hurt again. But deftly, tenderly, Nixon makes pileups of disappointments shine like broken glass in sand.” – National Post, September 27, 2013.
“Calgary author, Rosemary Nixon, lets her characters lead her to funnier and raunchier places,” Calgary Herald, September 21, 2013.
Interview with Shaw TV, September 20, 2013.
“Rosemary Nixon launches new novel at Saskatoon Public Library,” Metro, September 19″, 2013.
“Saskatoon’s new writer-in-residence,” Morning News Saskatoon, September 18, 2013.
“Nixon’s characters reveal foibles rich with farce and this is where the author is at her best.” – Globe and Mail, September 16, 2013.
“Author Rosemary Nixon opens up about writing,” Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, September 10, 2013.
“Are You Ready to Be Lucky? is a novel that looks like a short story collection and tastes like a volume of haiku. With artfully drawn nature as backdrop, Nixon gives us Roslyn, Duncan and Floyd, characters colliding like pinballs, just trying to keep themselves from clattering down the hole. . . . Lonely and misguided, the main characters and their assorted sidekicks keep getting thwacked by life but they roll on anyway, often slipping down the same alleys and getting thwacked again, but always rolling on.” – Salon, Telegraph-Journal, August 24, 2013.

Are You Ready to Be Lucky?

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