Dare to Succeed

Book Title Dare to Succeed
Author Name
Publishing house Book Marketing Solutions
Country – city USA
Date of issue (October 1, 2007)
Number of pages 128

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Dare to Succeed

DARE to Succeed: How to Transcend Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals by Dr. Debbie Campbell provides practical information and a plan to break through barriers to achieve your personal or career goals.

With over sixteen years in professional counseling, Dr. Debbie offers practical insight and a time-tested approach.

Do your fears keep you from achieving success?

Are you afraid to take risks?

Do you lack confidence or self-esteem?

What factors impede risk-taking and success?

How can you surmount these obstacles?

This Book Will Assist You To: Identify the obstacles that impede your success. Understand and Apply The Five Keys to Success. Transcend your fears and DARE to Succeed.

Dare to Succeed



This post is also available in: العربية (Arabic)