Algebra and Computer Science

Book Title Algebra and Computer Science
Author Name Delaram Kahrobaei, Bren Cavallo, David Garber
Publishing house Book Store
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 229

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Algebra & Computer Science

This volume contains the proceedings of three special sessions: Algebra and Computer Science, held during the Joint AMS-EMS-SPM meeting in Porto, Portugal, June 10–13, 2015; Groups, Algorithms, and Cryptography, held during the Joint Mathematics Meeting in San Antonio, TX, January 10–13, 2015; and Applications of Algebra to Cryptography, held during the Joint AMS-Israel Mathematical Union meeting in Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 16–19, 2014.

Papers contained in this volume address a wide range of topics, from theoretical aspects of algebra, namely group theory, universal algebra and related areas, to applications in several different areas of computer science.

From the computational side, the book aims to reflect the rapidly emerging area of algorithmic problems in algebra, their computational complexity and applications, including information security, constraint satisfaction problems, and decision theory.

The book gives special attention to recent advances in quantum computing that highlight the need for a variety of new intractability assumptions and have resulted in a new area called group-based cryptography.

Algebra & Computer Science

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