Doctors for the kingdom

Book Title Doctors for the kingdom
Author Name Armerding, Paul L
Publishing house William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2003
Number of pages 182

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Doctors for the kingdom: the work of the American mission hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1913-1955

Foreword by Ravi K. Zacharias

Doctors for the Kingdom tells the amazing yet little-known story of the medical mission of the Reformed Church in America in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

By piecing together archival records, first-person accounts from the past century, and more than 100 photographs and maps, Dr. Paul Armerding — head of the American Mission Hospital in Bahrain — chronicles the history and leaders of this extraordinary medical mission. At once educational and inspiring, Doctors for the Kingdom offers a portrait of Christian-Muslim relations that stands in stark contrast to the picture presented by much of today’s media.

Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
“The ministry of healing has always been a sign of the power of the gospel. Healing in all its forms — physical, emotional, and spiritual — demonstrates the wholeness God intends for all life. So it is no wonder that initiatives in mission have so often been expressed through medical ministries. This is particularly true in the history of mission in the Reformed Church in America.
Paul Armerding’s story provides a dramatic and inspiring example. Doctors for the Kingdom demonstrates how the message of Christian faith becomes incarnate today in the hands and hearts of those who heal. Reading this account shows us what it can mean ‘to follow Christ in mission in a lost and broken world so loved by God.”
Gene Rudd
“A fascinating read. These doctors answered the call for service to an exotic land long before the terns ’10/40 window’ and ‘unreached people groups’ were coined. Current events heighten the importance of knowing this history of sacrifice. This work is a valued addition to my library.”

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