Helping the Morning: New and Selected Poems

Book Title Helping the Morning: New and Selected Poems
Author Name Jeanne Murray Walker
Publishing house WordFarm
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2014
Number of pages 285

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Helping Morning

Jeanne Murray Walker’s award-winning poems have been published in The American Poetry Review, Poetry,  The Georgia Review, Shenandoah, The Christian Century, Blackbird, Image and several hundred other journals.

They have been collected into seven books published between 1985 and 2009 by a variety of presses, including the University of Illinois Press and Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.

Helping the Morning: New and Selected Poems offers Walker’s most recent poems as well as a ‘best of’ collection of poems from each of her previous books.

Poem after poem, Walker opens windows through which she and the reader may step into amazement, epiphany, revelation.

Helping the Morning

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