Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice

Book Title Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice
Author Name Anthony H. Normore , Antonia Issa Lahera
Publishing house Information Age Publishing
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 234

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Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice

Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice: Un-silencing the Voices of “At-Promise” Student Populations is a collection of pragmatic urban school experiences that focus on restorative approaches situated in the context of social justice.

, researchers and practitioners can connect and extend long-established lines of conceptual and empirical inquiry aimed at improving school practices and thereby gain insights that may otherwise be overlooked or assumed.

This holds great promise for generating, refining, and testing theories of restorative practices in educational leadership and will help strengthen already vibrant lines of inquiry on social justice.

The authors posit that a broader conceptualization of social and restorative justice adds to extant discourse about stude The authors posit that nts who not only experience various ++society.

Chapters are written by a combination of researchers and practicing school leaders who believe in the power of healing and restoring relationships within school communities as opposed to traditional punitive structures.

The dynamic approaches discussed throughout the book urge school leaders, teachers, school community members, and those who prepare administrators to look within and build bridges between themselves and the communities in which they serve.

Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice

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