Safe House: Explorations in Creative Nonfiction

Book Title Safe House: Explorations in Creative Nonfiction
Author Name Ellah Wakatama Allfrey
Publishing house Dundurn
Country – city UK
Date of issue 2016
Number of pages 272

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A promising tradition of creative nonfiction is nascent in Africa. Fresh ways of writing African experiences are afoot. This publication signals the gestation of something enormously exciting and genuinely new.” — Jonny Steinberg, author of A Man of Good Hope
“Not so much timely as long overdue, this collection of essays and short memoirs directs the focus inward, leaping from blade-sharp observations of contemporary life around the African continent to a striking consideration of the continent’s cultural and political future. Safe House transports the reader beyond the tired narrative of news reports through individual stories and into worlds of hidden complexities. Stimulating reading.” — Aminatta Forna
“The stories in this anthology provide a form of connective tissue to contemporary life on the African continent in Cape Town, Nairobi, Dakar, and Kano. As a whole, it is both microscopic and panoramic, and strongly argues for an annual take of the same. As an Editor who regularly commissions nonfiction I am full of envy. — Billy Kahora, Editor of Kwani?

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