The Rules of Work: The Unspoken Truth About Getting Ahead in Business

Book Title The Rules of Work: The Unspoken Truth About Getting Ahead in Business
Author Name Richard Templar
Publishing house Pearson Prentice Hall
Country – city US
Date of issue January 10, 2005
Number of pages 208

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The Rules of Work: The Unspoken Truth About Getting Ahead in Business

The book has been translated by JARIR BOOKSTORE

Some people seem to be naturally great managers.

They glide effortlessly onwards and upwards through all the politics, the system, the people problems, the impossible targets, the work overload and all the nonsense that goes on.

They say the right thing; do the right thing and know how to handle every situation. Is there something they do that we don’t?

Is it a natural ability or something we could all learn? Is there a secret to managerial success?

Yes…and all is revealed in The Rules of Management.

These rules cover how you relate to people and how you conduct yourself.

They underpin all of your behaviour and your actions.

This is the book for you if you want to be successful and still be able to live with yourself, sleep nights and be regarded as a thoroughly nice person by your team, your colleagues and your boss.

The Rules of Management is written in a light, entertaining, easy-to-read style that is easy to dip into, accessible and informative. This is a practical book with lots of good advice, common sense, examples, workable tips and hints to make your managerial life smooth and effective.

The Rules of Work: The Unspoken Truth About Getting Ahead in Business

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