The Story of Civilization

Book Title The Story of Civilization
Author Name Will Durant
Publishing house اسم دار النشر
Country – city USA
Date of issue 1993
Number of pages 9766

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The Story of Civilization

The Story of Civilization by Will Durant represents the most comprehensive attempt in our times to embrace the vast panorama of man’s history and culture. This 11 volume set includes: Vo1 : Our Oriental Heritage; Vol 2: The Life of Greece; Vol.3: Caesar and Christ; Vol 4: The Age of Faith; Vol 5: The Renaissance; Vol 6: The Reformation; Vol 7: The Age of Reason Begins; Vol 8: The Age of Louis XIV; Vol 9:The Age of Voltaire; Vol. 10: Rousseau and Revolution; Vol 11: The Age of Napoleon

From a private collection, ready for your library or bookshelf: 1) Our Oriental Heritage; 2) The Life of Greece; 3) Caesar and Christ; 4) The Age of Faith; 5) The Renaissance; 6) The Reformation; 7) The Age of Reason Begins; 8) The Age of Louis XIV; 9) The Age of Voltaire; 10) Rousseau and Revolution; 11) The Age of Napoleon.

William James Durant was a prolific American writer, historian, and philosopher. He is best known for the 11-volume The Story of Civilization, written in collaboration with his wife Ariel and published between 1935 and 1975. He was earlier noted for his book, The Story of Philosophy, written in 1926, which was considered “a groundbreaking work that helped to popularize philosophy.”

The Story of Civilization

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