From Conflict to Communion

Book Title From Conflict to Communion
Author Name Lutheran World Federation
Publishing house Eerdmans
Country – city USA
Date of issue 5/31/2017
Number of pages 157

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From Conflict to Communion

Over the last fifty years, Lutherans and Roman Catholics have engaged in profound theological dialogue leading to increasingly close ties between two church bodies that have historically been divided. From Conflict to Communion contains the report produced by the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Commission on Unity along with an accompanying study guide and liturgical material suitable for a joint Catholic-Lutheran worship service.

This book presents the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation as an opportunity for deeper communion between Roman Catholics and Lutherans and for celebration of their common witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Including a timely new introduction by William G. Rusch, this will be a valued re-source not only for Lutheran and Catholic theologians but also for people around the world who seek greater unity in the church.

From Conflict to Communion

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