Aivali: A Story of Greeks and Turks in 1922

Book Title Aivali: A Story of Greeks and Turks in 1922
Author Name Antonis Nikolopoulos
Publishing house Somerset Hall Press
Country – city USA
Date of issue 2019
Number of pages 444

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A journey in time … a previous refugee crisis in the Mediterranean … the momentous historical events of 1922 seen through the eyes of third and fourth-generation descendants of those who lived and died through them.

This graphic novel dramatically tells the story of Greeks and Turks living as neighbors in the town of Aivali and other places along the Aegean Sea during the late Ottoman Empire; their subsequent expulsion from their ancestral homelands during a population exchange of Greeks and Turks in 1922, known to Greeks as “The Catastrophe” or the “Asia Minor Disaster”; and their subsequent lives as refugees. “A wonderful book.

As a talented story-teller and draftsman, Soloup proves to us that no series of events is too complex to be explained in simple drawings.” From the Foreword by Bruce Clark, author of Twice a Stranger. For more info, visit